It’s BBQ Time!!

There is always time for a BBQ

The sun is shining and the wintery clothing is slowly disappearing, this can only mean one thing.. BBQ season is on the way!

Our chicken kebabs have already made an appearance this year, and our amazing burgers and sausages never left the counter. We make all of our BBQ treats at the butchers shop including;

  • Pork Twisters – Thin strips of pork belly wrapped around a kebab stick marinated in either honey and mustard or Caribbean jerk.
  • Chicken Kebabs – Marinated chicken breast skewered with peppers, courgette and cherry tomatoes.
  • Spare Ribs – As they come or covered in our Chinese or smoky barbecue flavouring. 
  • Lamb Koftas – Minced lamb mixed with a range of herbs and spices pressed around a kebab stick.
  • Burgers – Beef, Pork and apple, Lamb and mint
  • Sausages – Too many flavours to list!
  • Plus much more!

Our gold and silver BBQ boxes are available which are perfect if you fancy a bit of everything.

As always, our meat is all sourced locally which we think makes it taste even better! 

For more information or to place an order please contact the shop using the contact us page or our social media accounts.

We are looking forward to BBQ season as much as you! 


T: 01728 727422
25 Market Hill, Framlingham. IP13 9AN



Read the latest stories, updates and recipes from behind the counter