More BBQ, BBQ, BBQ!!! .

With this amazing weather, our BBQ boxes have been selling fast.
We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about all our other BBQ items that we often have in the shop.

With the counter always having at least three types of our home-made sausages, Beef burgers and Pork and Apple burgers,
we always have the essentials!
However, our home-made lamb burgers are my personal favourite. Also our chinese marinated ribs, BBQ chicken pieces, choice of kebabs, and pork twisters, make a great addition to any BBQ in the sun.
Chinese marinated ribs and BBQ chicken pieces speak for themselves. It is the hours that go into the making of our kebabs, that we think make them taste amazing, whether its the pork and pineapple or the chicken kebabs.

Our pork twisters are another time consuming creation to make, but they are sooo worth it! The “Jamaican Jerk” , or the Honey and Mustard ones, are sure to be a crowd pleaser at any BBQ.

As much as we would love to have all of our BBQ food on show this time of year, our counter is just not big enough. So this often means, we have the components we need to make them, you just might not be able to see them! Please, always do ask if you want a specific item. If you would like to know any more information or order any of our meat, whether it is BBQ related or not, you can contact us through our “Contact Us” page, or pop into the shop to see us!.


T: 01728 727422
25 Market Hill, Framlingham. IP13 9AN



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