Mothering Sunday
Spring is finally here and the days are getting longer! All the beautiful flowers will soon be starting to bloom and sun will be warming us all up!
It’s also that time of year for us to celebrate our Mums and all they do for us. So, Mother’s Day is the perfect time to treat her so she can put her feet up!
This is where we come in- providing you with your delicious meat that’ll be perfect for your Mothers day spread. We can provide you with many different local and free range meats for you to choose from to really make Mum happy.
All you have to do is let us know what you would like then come and pick it up! (And cook it of course..!) To order, you can come and see us in the shop, give us a ring (01728 727422) or message via social media.
We look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask! Happy spring time!
T: 01728 727422
25 Market Hill, Framlingham. IP13 9AN
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